Intention to refresh your purpose of working so hard

Hey there, 

We are still on our road trip, almost half way through it. 

I had a photo shoot yesterday that captured a family portrait and felt myself being productive, but not feeling the grind of work.

Being on a trip and making money feels amazing, but the best part is taht I can bring my family along with me to explore new locations and still create an impactful gallery for the family to enjoy and share with their loved ones. 

But, why am I working on vacation?

I’m not only passionate creating the responses from the gallery previews (which I always deliver within 24 hours), but I genuinely get a high from being with people, posing them, making them feel special, and getting to hug & kiss their little ones more times in that session than they probably get to all week. 

There’s nothing like being on vacation that might open up a new perspective of “living” vs “working.”

The intentional time away from work grants you more than a break. 

Rather, a chance to refresh what it is that sustains your work mentality.

The state of mind you can have when you are in a new environment, away from your work releases expectations and allows your mind to experience what living is. 

Oftentimes, we find ourselves on the hamster wheel of DOING and that doing doesn’t come from a place driven by passion when we are robotic, disconnected, and absent from the present state of mind. 

Have you considered who you are as a human being, not a human-doing? 

This week, I want you to consider a minute to explore what is YOUR purpose of working so hard?

Is it coming from expectations of work that you were conditioned early on? 

Do you have a need to fulfill that requires you to take action and no time to think? 

Are you living in a world filled with imposter’s syndrome? 

Looking toward your sense of purpose to work hard, I want you to be honest. 

Be honest that the narrative you tell yourself each minute of the day about your worth, your role, and the impact you must make and how is that creating your work reality? 

Yes, I did work yesterday, but I also felt alive. I felt fulfilled, and I felt a huge sense of accomplishment while not taking away any momentum of relaxation and adventure from our trip. 

For some, the purpose of working hard is rewarding. For others, it may feel debilitating and almost like imprisonment if your passion doesn’t play a part in your work. 

When you can dig deeper into having a sense of purpose that drives you to work hard and filled with passion, work doesn’t feel much like work at all. 

It feels like a chance to live out your potential and fulfill your mission each day with joy and fueled with fun. 

Could this be possible for you? I invite you to be honest and set aside a few moments each day to explore your “why” and let the hard work be driven by passion, not by anything that crumbles your creativity, your mood, and your health!