Network like a "Human" before you start 'Networking'

Let's be honest, the way we've been taught to 'network' may be keeping you from landing deals.

Don't you agree?

You know what I'm talking about: the nerve-wracking '30 second commercial' that only 2% of the room really nail. Or being asked constantly and awkwardly within 120 minutes of an event, "So.... tell me what you do." and the person is pretending to listen but really already thinking about the next victim of person to ask before they grab your business card and move on. OHH and my favorite- the pushy business card exchange. Over and over and over again every event you go to.

Can we just not!?

You will see me asking really aggressive questions to sort out who is worth my time or not at a networking event and I am very strategic.

Okay, so I'm just going to throw it out there now, I am an enneagram type 8, also known as "The Challenger" and I was born and wired to think a little differently and act immediately when there is something that doesn't sit well with me. We learned even more about the personality types of the Enneagram at this morning's Sunnyside Chat 06 (which is one of the few networking groups I attend in Chicago) and I couldn't have found myself in better timing for today's rant than with this discussion.

If you don't know your number, take the free 5-min test and let me know what you are!

Anyways, I had a lovely Jumpstart Strategy Session with the fantastic Keasha Lee Ince (have you met this incredible woman?!) today and we talked all about a new kind of networking strategy. It really got me onto something here that I want to share with you...

Add into your 2020 marketing goals how to network at live events in your #NextLevel:

MKTG Brand Networking Like A Human
  1. Know who you are and what you want. Taking a test like the Enneagram will help you to move through a room of new people with ease and intention. You will be able to better manage the way you interact with others, receive their responses (non-verbal is even better to observe), especially during the making of a first impression.

  2. Have an idea of characteristics in people that you are looking to invite into your circle. You know this as well as I do- there are just some people who bring a certain energy to your life that either makes you gain or lose, and this is important to protect yourself from people whose energies exhaust you.

    TIP: Remember, you can accept to decline to take someone's business card you don't really want to further talk to. That's perfectly okay and you can politely let them know you aren't interested in taking this conversation to the next step.

  3. Just because you are clear about what you do, your call to action for what you are inviting people to take up with you has to be clear to them.

    This is where I work mostly with my clients because, to be honest, this is where most people have challenges.

    I have seen so many people talk at me without really understanding that I have no clue what they are asking about. I don't even know what you do, let alone trying to take any action for you- c'mon! This all can be resolved with more questions.

  4. Give an invitation like a human. This, I would argue, is the most important part of this list. Remember, we are in front of someone who is giving us their undivided attention.

    We can read their body language, pay attention to their posture, and feel a vibe from them, which you can't do by sending an email or marketing message to them.

    Feel them out and really connect before you start giving them instructions on taking further action with you. If they don't want your consultation, don't offer it to them- their body language will tell you!

  5. Last and finally not least, if you aren't going to follow up with anyone from the event you are at, don't return back to a group like this. Or don't even go at all. Save yourself the cost to get there in time, money, and energy and find another way to grow your business. I promise you will be much happier marketing yourself more effectively if you stop forcing yourself to go to events just to 'check a box.'

    Please don’t forget that networking is a huge cost at the end of the day. Are you doing what you can to prevent yourself from the loss of time, money, and energy in 2020?